With August upon us, some of us may be planning those last getaways before September sneaks up on us. Vacations can be great family bonding opportunities. Caregivers may be leery about venturing to a location away from home with Alzheimer’s patients, but it can be done if they are in the early stages of the disease and if you take proper planning procedures. Here are a few tips so your family doesn’t miss out on the last weeks of summer:
- Plan a trip that everyone can enjoy and be engaged in. Going to the beach, watching a ballgame, or visiting a museum are activities that everyone can be involved in.
- Think about your loved ones health and safety needs. Having a disease that causes confusion and wandering means going to very busy places might not be a good idea. Bring along an ID that they can wear around their neck. Keep the pace of the day at a rate that the patient can handle, which might mean taking your time and more frequent breaks in between activities. Avoiding fatigue is important.
- Avoid things that are too unfamiliar to what they are used to. Flying on an airplane for the first time would be something to avoid. Bring along favorite blankets, pillows or pajamas to put the patient at ease while they are away from home.
- Try to follow the same schedule that you have at home as closely as you can. Eat meals, wake up and go to bed at roughly the same time. You might also go on your daily walk to maintain a routine.
- Bring assistance. Your MAS Home Care caregiver can accompany you on your trip to care for the patient and make things a little easier. This will help you and other members of the family be able do things you want to do that the patient may not be able to.
If you are still feeling uncomfortable about traveling with someone with Alzheimer’s disease, there are other options. MAS Home Care provides respite care, so you can go away for the week while your patient receives 24/7 care in the comfort of their own home. As specialists in New Hampshire Alzheimer’s Care, Maine Alzheimer’s Care, and Rhode Island Alzheimer’s Care. They are well equipped to provide dependable care while you are away.
Contact MAS Home Care today!