MAS Home Care specializes in New England Alzheimer’s care. As a caregiver, it can be quite a challenge to care for a patient who is living with this disease that destroys the neurons in the brain and causes victims to lose their intellectual capabilities. It requires a great deal of patience and flexibility. Whether you have outside help or are the sole caregiver of an Alzheimer’s patient, here are some tips for Alzheimer’s care:
The most important concern that is faced when caring for an Alzheimer’s patient is safety. Alzheimer’s disease impairs judgment and problem-solving skills, increasing your loved one’s risk of injury. Just as you would “baby-proof” your home for a young child, considerations need to be made when living with someone with the disease.
Another goal as a caregiver is to limit the frustration felt by the Alzheimer’s patient. At the same time you can limit your own aggravation level by stepping back and assessing if the situation is dangerous or a mere annoyance. In the later cases it can be best to let things go, especially if it is comforting to your loved one. If Mom wants to eat her cereal with a fork is it really that big of a deal? The same goes for verbal statements he or she may make. It can be best to just agree rather than start an argument. Here are some other suggestions:
Remember that each individual’s situation is unique and that Alzheimer’s care depends on the stage they are at with the disease. For more information, visit, or contact MAS Home Care today.
For New Hampshire Alzheimer’s Care:
MAS Home Care of New Hampshire
500 Harvey Road
Manchester, NH 03103
Rhode Island Alzheimer’s Care:
MAS Home Care of Rhode Island
1243 Mineral Spring Avenue #208
North Providence, RI 02904
Maine Alzheimer’s Care:
MAS Home Care of Maine (Portland)
21 Saco Street
Westbrook, ME 04092
MAS Home Care of Maine (Bangor)
360 Harlow Street
Bangor, ME 04401