One of the many reasons home health care NH clients choose MAS Home Care is because of the dependable, respectful, and caring caregivers that provide the excellent service they require. Finding a home care agency that provides safe care is important and requires a bit of research on the consumer’s part. Lately new advancements in technology have been making the news that are helping home health care agencies to improve their performance, ensuring patient safety and well being.
Some home care companies are trying out a new software technology that allows home health agencies to track where their employees are with GPS software. One particular program, called VisitVerify, by Kinnser Software, requires clients to sign a tablet screen to verify the caregiver fulfilled his/her visit. This eliminates the need for paper forms which can be hard to keep track of when there are a large number of patients and employees. The program also helps to protect against false billing to Medicare. A third benefit is that family members, clinicians, and administrators are able to know details about the visit, such as if and when it occurred and what kind of services were provided. The information can be viewed online instantly. The GPS tracking program can be used from any tablet computer with touch-screen capability, eliminating the need for special devices.
Elsewhere, home care agencies are expanding to telemonitoring programs. Telemonitoring monitors home health care clients who are at high-risk and have chronic conditions. The system is the eyes and ears when a caregiver is not in the home. With this technology, hospital re-admissions have been avoided. Clients are able to have vital sign, pulse, blood pressure, and other forms of monitoring 7 days a week. The data is then sent to the home care agency and integrated with the person’s electronic health record. If something of concern comes up, it can be addressed with a follow up as a form of early intervention.
In addition to the electronic medical records system that many doctors, hospitals, and home health care agencies use, programs like VisitVerify and telemonitoring systems are increasing the ways in which new technology is being utilized to streamline the healthcare industry and improve patient care. What do you think of these advancements in home care technology? Are there any other areas of care you think can be improved with technology?
No matter what amount of technology is used by a home care agency, the most important thing is the person-to-person connection. No electronic device will be able to replace our compassionate caregivers. For the best home health care NH has to offer, contact MAS Home Care at 603-296-0960 or email